Monday, January 25, 2010


1. hub (noun)
Pronunciation: \ˈhəb\
Function: noun
Etymology: probably alteration of 2hob
Date: 1649
1: a center of activity: focal point

A sanctuary is a place of refuge and protection, a place for someone to feel in control. The New Orleans Arts Hub is a sanctuary created to give talent of all types a space to exhibit recipes, display art, showcase performers and develop audiences in a unique venue while also involving the community. The driving force behind New Orleans’ culture is an eclectic mixture of food, art, dance and music. All of these elements are fueled by creativity and the ability to express oneself in each of these various aspects. New Orleans experiences a plethora of festivals and fairs but is, however, lacking a place for all of these ingredients to successfully mix regularly while simultaneously involving the community. The New Orleans Heritage center provides a haven for all of the arts to combine and intermingle while keeping an open and engaging scene for the local community, not just once in a while but on a daily basis. The New Orleans Arts Hub will be a place that combines the indoors and outdoors to create an inspiring environment for all ages and walks of life. The center will offer rentable studios for dance and art with glass interior walls that serve as display space or gallery space, fully equipped kitchens for classes and exhibitions, an enclosed performance stage, a semi open-air stage, offices and classrooms as well as a public park. The arts hub will be a great place for schools to field trip to, parents to play with their children at and adults and kids alike to take classes. The extend operating hours also make the arts hub a great place to take a date after dinner out. Each space combines private and public quarters to make a learning conducive atmosphere welcoming and inviting to all. The hope of the New Orleans Arts Hub will be to support interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate the work of creative and culinary arts not only in the center, but also the surrounding community.

The New Orleans Arts Hub will cater to the City of New Orleans and its residents, while addressing the need for a permanent 24 hour facility where all of the arts can culminate.

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